Our Services

We provide owners with options to get out of properties that are distressed,

in pre-foreclosure, liens or is no longer useful to them.

We pay CA$H and all closing cost.

a building with a tree in the middle of it
a building with a tree in the middle of it
We buy distressed properties

Homes that have been left abandoned, old rentals, inherited, no longer needed properties

All we need is the parcel ID and the address and we can make you a cash offer.

a wooden fence next to a house
a wooden fence next to a house
We buy tax lien properties.

Owners can find themselves in hard times in situations with property sometimes; it's inherited! We provide options to navigate through these processes.

All we need is the parcel ID and the address and we can evaluate the property ASAP!

blue Volkswagen Beetle chassis covered in green vines
blue Volkswagen Beetle chassis covered in green vines
We buy foreclosed homes & condos

If you are in pre-foreclose. We make cash offers on pre-foreclosed and foreclosed properties.

If you are under pre-foreclose and would like to for us to evaluate your property for purchase,

All we need is the parcel ID and the address and we can evaluate the property ASAP!

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the button below to contact our team.